Friday, March 11

Tsunami & Earthquake Relief Resources

This is where you can go to find a list of organizations who are accepting donations and charity for relief efforts in Japan.  I originally came across this website via this fabulous blog.

My thoughts, love and sympathy are with all those who are faced with the devastation of the recent natural disasters.

"Gird your hearts with silent fortitude, suffering yet hoping all things."

It's the little things


Some days, it really is the little things that keep my head above water.  

Some days, I would just rather not think about the heavy stuff.

Some days, I simply can't.

And some days, I am just so heartbroken for those around the world who are suffering, I can't help but be thankful for all the little pieces of magic that surround my ordinary life.

These are just some of the things that supply me with satisfaction:

Each song is a personal savior of mine

A little ditty from the album...

Blue nail polish and Starbucks (duh)
I have colored nail polish (still) and I am NOT afraid to use it.

Bright flowers sent by even brighter people
Look at that bad boy right in the center, hogging the entire show.  :)

A silly but sentimental keepsake
Bren gave me this when we were first dating.  It was kind of a joke (he found it on a table outside of his work), but I played along and pretended like it was the best gift I had ever received.  It turns out, it was.  I have saved it for years now.  He laughs at me that I've kept it.  But I love it.  I just do.

I'm still six
My relationship with Spaghetti-0's is borderline insane...

Mid-day pictures of my adorable niece, Peyton
...For obvious reasons...

Tuesday, March 8

Follow-up and Great News

Some "things" have come to light over the last couple of weeks.

What started as an exciting adventure for my family quickly turned into a source of confusion and sadness.  If you read my last post, you know what it is I am talking about.

[But you know, nothing is every written in stone], and this is especially true of our most recent turmoil.

I have not announced this over Facebook yet because I just didn't know how to... instead, I was telling people as they asked. It was just easier for me that way.  But I am getting more and more questions, and people are very confused.  So I figured it was time to elaborate a bit for those who don't know the whole story but would like to.

So here goes...

As some of you know, it has been such a tough past few weeks for Bren and I.  A few weeks ago, we went in for our first ultrasound-- excited to see the baby, ready to expose Liam to who would eventually be his sibling, all around happy.

It was at this appointment that the doctor told us that it looked to be a "bad pregnancy."  I immediately reached out to my doctor who told me that I was likely miscarrying the baby; that it had stopped developing at 5 weeks even though my LMP showed me being 11 weeks along.

She sent me in for blood work to corroborate what she thought was happening, and then scheduled me for a "final ultrasound," telling me, "We'll get you through this honey.  A lot of women go through this." (A sad truth).

She told me I could do it on my own (at home), but that it could possibly take months for my body to recognize that it wasn't a legitimate pregnancy.  (Um, no thanks).

Our/my other option was to have it removed at the hospital (via D&C).  Not fun stuff.  Obviously, this was a tough thing to hear.

I guess the hardest part about all of this can be summed up into two parts:

1- I had already told everyone I was pregnant.  Now what?

2- I still felt pregnant physically and had already started to bond with the pregnancy itself.  Now I would have to begin to emotionally separate myself.

The next Friday (almost 2 weeks ago now), before I was supposed to go into the hospital, they sent me in for my final ultrasound, a pre-op verification. 

About 30-seconds into the ultrasound, the technician turned the screen for me to see, and pointed to a baby and a heartbeat.

Baby Whitfield (due 10-16-11)

It turns out that I am one of the very lucky ones whose very EARLY pregnancy was mistaken (medically) for a miscarriage.

I'm not sure how lucky I felt throughout the week that I thought I had lost the baby, but I feel extremely blessed now.

Today I am a little over 8 weeks along.

Bren and I appreciate everyone's kind wishes and warm thoughts.  We have wonderful people in our  lives, and we have never (and will never) overlook you.  Thank you all for your support.  

All our love